Friday 25 May 2012

Eco Town may never be completed according to the Council

Today Cherwell District Council published its draft plans for the next 20 years for Bicester.  These have not yet been put to us for consultation - the Council is deciding at the end of the month when they will do that.

It seems that BaECON has been right all along about the Eco-town proposals being a half-baked and badly thought through idea. In their plans the Council has announced that their Eco-town will only be 40% completed by 2031 - almost 20 years away.  At that rate of building the whole area would take another 34 years to complete, with ongoing development work from now until 2065.

Friday 4 May 2012

Election results show massive opposition to Eco-Town

On May 3rd two BaECON founder members stood as independent candidates in the elections for Cherwell District Council. 

With the issue of the Bicester North West "Eco" Town being one of the major election campaign issues, Tony Walton and Colin Cockshaw secured significant results, finishing in second place inthe Caversfield and Bicester North wards respectively.

The high proportion of votes they both secured serves to highlight just how much local opposition there is to the Council plans.

The full election results can be found here:
Caversfield Election results 2012
Bicester North Election results 2012