Friday 4 May 2012

Election results show massive opposition to Eco-Town

On May 3rd two BaECON founder members stood as independent candidates in the elections for Cherwell District Council. 

With the issue of the Bicester North West "Eco" Town being one of the major election campaign issues, Tony Walton and Colin Cockshaw secured significant results, finishing in second place inthe Caversfield and Bicester North wards respectively.

The high proportion of votes they both secured serves to highlight just how much local opposition there is to the Council plans.

The full election results can be found here:
Caversfield Election results 2012
Bicester North Election results 2012


  1. Well done Tony and Colin. This result showed the Cherwell councillors just how strongly so many Bicester people feel about the Eco town con.

  2. Good work. It's a real shame that none of the BAECON candidates were elected. I think that the biggest problem that we face is local apathy. The turnout at 22.4% was risible! The incumbent probably got re-elected via friends and family votes.

    On a separate note - I had to do a lot of searching on Google to find this site. If you want to publicise it more you could make some changes so that Google and other search engines find it more easily e.g. - and!category-topic/webmasters/crawling-indexing--ranking/dG6UQRZaaYY

    1. Thanks for this - I've now added a number of metatags and it's up to Google to index them. We're quite new to this website building lark, so taking a little while to get used to it.

  3. You'll never get more than 30% of people voting at these local elections in places like Bicester.
    There are too many people resident in such Oxfordshire towns who simply always vote Conservative no matter what; that's not going to alter for a long time to come unless there's major changes in demographics.

    It is exceptional to stand as Independents (on one issue) and then pick up 30% of the vote so well done to those two candidates - that's about as good as you can do until people actually see the bulldozers destroying the agricultural land (although they'll cover that up so we don't get to see), the queues of lorries taking away the topsoil and the massive disruption of what effectively is a major new housing estate.... then you might get up to 40% and then you might get in... but by then it will all be a done deal and too late. Apathy rules I'm afraid.
