Thursday 28 February 2013

2012 Election was a massive boost for BaECON

In May of 2012 two of BaECON’s founder members stood as independent candidates in the elections for Cherwell District Council, finishing in second place in both the Caversfield and Bicester North wards respectively. 

In both elections the second placed BaECON candidates gave the Conservative candidates a close race, finishing with fewer than 160 votes between them and the elected Councillors.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

BaECON to stand candidates in the County Council Elections in May 2013

Over the past year the problems arising from the planned Bicester North West "Eco" Town have not been resolved, nor gone away.  Cherwell District Council still appears committed to spending huge amounts of Council Taxpayers’ money on this vanity project, which to date hasn’t even been able to get started.

This week Tony Walton, founder member of Bicester Against the Eco Con (BaECON), announced that BaECON will once again be fielding candidates in the local elections, which will be held on Thursday 2nd May 2013.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Latest News - Eco Town developers don't even own the land

The latest news from the proposed Bicester Eco-Town is that the first building phase - the so called "Exemplar" - has still not started because the developers don't even own the land! 

When planning permission was granted last year the developers said they would start work shortly; then we were told it would be late Autumn or very early in the New Year. Now that new year is here it turns out that work can't start because the developers haven't even bought the land for the very first phase.