Tuesday 5 February 2013

BaECON to stand candidates in the County Council Elections in May 2013

Over the past year the problems arising from the planned Bicester North West "Eco" Town have not been resolved, nor gone away.  Cherwell District Council still appears committed to spending huge amounts of Council Taxpayers’ money on this vanity project, which to date hasn’t even been able to get started.

This week Tony Walton, founder member of Bicester Against the Eco Con (BaECON), announced that BaECON will once again be fielding candidates in the local elections, which will be held on Thursday 2nd May 2013.
Tony Walton explained why BaECON feels the need to continue its campaign, “The current Eco-Town plan is a complete shambles. The people of Bicester have no idea what is going on. Until A2 Dominion complete the land purchase, there is no developer in place and Cherwell must be keeping fingers crossed that they don’t run away. 

Since it was first sprung on the people of Bicester without seeking any approval from local people we have been campaigning on the issue of the Bicester North West development. We are as one in opposing this development on many grounds which we have been raising over the past few years, as well as keeping a keen eye on other vital local issues.
Our independent candidates in this year's elections will be unconstrained by political party whips and will be free to represent local people. Even at this stage it is clear that the Eco Town might not be a done deal; there are an increasing number of hurdles to clear before it gets off the ground.  If elected as Oxfordshire County Councillors our candidates will do their utmost to make Cherwell District Council see sense and pull the plug before it’s too late.
Our feedback from last year, after speaking to many people, was very encouraging and we know that many voters want a change, they want to elect councillors who listen to their views and truly represent local people.
Having members on the County Council will help us to ensure that our planners properly consider the views of the people they are supposed to be working for.”

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