Tuesday 10 April 2012

BaECON Members to stand for election

Two of BaECON's founder members have decided to stand as independent candidates in the forthcoming elections to Cherwell District Council, which will be held on 3rd May 2012.

BaECON founder Tony Walton is standing in Caversfield Ward, and Colin Cockshaw is standing in Bicester North Ward.

The Caversfield Ward includes the villages of Bucknell, Ardley with Fewcott, Bainton and Stoke Lyne, while Bicester North includes both Bure Park and Southwold estates.

Tony Walton explained why he and Colin have decided to take this stand:
"Both of us are active in monitoring the ways Cherwell District Council has promoted, administered and now part funded the proposed NW Bicester ECO TOWN, without seeking any approval from local people. We are as one in opposing this development on many grounds which have been well aired recently. We also have a keen eye on other vital local issues.
Bicester seems to be the bullseye on a target at the moment", says Tony. "What with the proposals for the ECO TOWN, Incinerators at Ardley and Gawcott, HS2 on our doorstep and the fast increasing size of this once small Market Town, Bicester seems to be attracting every proposal that's going!.

With the current proposals, in 10 years’ time Bicester could be the second biggest town in Oxfordshire, with a population heading towards 60,000, but without the infrastructure to match."

"As Independents Colin and I will be unconstrained by political party whips and will be free to represent local people. We certainly don’t think the Eco Town is a done deal, there are a lot of hurdles to clear before it gets off the ground"

Time for a Bicester Spring

"Could it be a Bicester Spring?" says Tony, "our initial feedback is encouraging and we understand that voters want a change. What happened in the Bradford by-election recently was a huge surprise to some; let’s hope we can raise a few eyebrows locally."

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