Wednesday 17 April 2013

Tony Walton to stand for Oxfordshire County Council

Tony Walton, founder member of Bicester Against the Eco Con (BaECON), will once again stand as a candidate in this year's local election for Oxfordshire County Council, which will be held on Thursday 2nd May.
He is standing for the ward of Bicester North, which covers almost the entire site of the proposed Eco-town, and includes the areas of Bure Park, Southwold, Caversfield and Bucknell.
(Click on the map to see a full size image of just how big an area the Eco site covers)
As an independent candidate in this year's election Tony is unconstrained by political party whips and will be free to represent local people. Even now the Eco Town is still not a done deal; and there are many more hurdles to clear before it gets off the ground.

"If elected as an Oxfordshire County Councillor I will do my utmost to make Cherwell District Council see sense and pull the plug before it’s too late", said Tony.

published by Tony Walton, 22 Lucerne Ave, Bicester, OX26 3ZN on behalf on Tony Walton 

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