Tuesday 7 May 2013

Eco-Town Masterplan delayed for another year!

Latest news from the Eco-Town is that the Masterplan for NW Bicester, which was meant to be produced three years ago, is to be delayed for another year.  This will now be at least 4 years late.

Cherwell District Council has confirmed that production of the Masterplan will be carried out by consultants working for P3Eco and A2Dominion, in a 12 month project starting this month.

When Cherwell DC gave planning permission for the 393 Exemplar houses (which haven't even started being built yet) they were told that a Masterplan was being developed during 2012.  It is now mid-2013 and it appears that the plan won't be ready until at least the middle of 2014, FIVE YEARS after the scheme was first proposed.

Once again it seems that CDC has been premature in granting permission for the Eco-Town Exemplar site without having seen a plan for the whole area, despite being promised every year for the past three years that this would be ready soon. 

As it stands today, four years after they started singing the praises of the Eco-Town, our local councillors still have absolutely no idea what the scheme actually comprises. They have no idea what is being proposed to be built, how many actual houses, what the traffic implications will be, what the effect will be on our schools, doctors, hospitals, fire brigade, police, ambulances and sewage works to name but a few.

How much longer will we have to wait until we find out the truth about Bicester NW?

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